L2Gore Custom FREE VIP's

General Informations

15/12/2021 20:04
L2 Gore
Server Type:

Server Features

XP Rate: 500
SP Rate: 500
Adena Rate: 500
Drop Rate: 1
Max Enchant: 20
Safe Enchant: 3
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Full PTS
  1. Description
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  4. Promo Video
Rates <br> XP: x500 <br> SP: x500 <br> Adena: x500 <br> Drop: x1 <br> <br> Enchantment Rates <br> Safe Enchant: 3 <br> Max Enchant : 20 <br> Simple Scroll: 0-14 -> 65% <br> On Fail -> Crystals <br> Blessed Scroll: 0-14 -> 100% <br> Crystal Scroll: 0-18 -> 50% <br> On Fail -> -1 Enchant <br> Custom Scroll: 0-16 -> 100% , 18-19 -> 20%, 19-20 -> 10% <br> On Fail -> Same Enchant <br> Fast Enchant system -> Enchant window will not disappear after each enchant <br> <br> Additional Information <br> Buff Slots 58 <br> max 3 windows per PC <br> Subclass - Main + 3 <br> Automatic Potions <br> Anti AFK in Events , if you are AFK you will get dismissed <br> Voting to each site from Vote Manager you will get EXTRA Vote Coins <br> You can Vote every 12 Hours <br> If you vote at least in at 1 site you will get Mass vote Reward + Vote buff <br> Vote buff will be available to all your players , every time you want it (in vote NPC) <br> Vote buff and Button will be available for 11 hours , then you have to vote again to get it <br> Party Limits: 2Tanks/2Duelist/2warlords/2Healers/2Titan/2Tyrant/1Domi.<br> Gore Boss: Unique Drops, When Gore Unique Boss are alive, you could not teleport to other Bosses until you kill it.<br> <br> Customs <br> Armors - Apella, Dynasty(Best, from raids) <br> Weapons - Gold, Dynasty(Both same status), Ancient Gold, Dynasty <br> Gold Jewels (galaxia,ipos etc.) <br> Custom Tattoos (Starter-Premium-AIO) <br> Custom Accessories (Epic mask, Angelic/Demonic wings) <br> <br> Augments <br> 1 Active + 1 Passive <br> Mid - 4% <br> High - 8% <br> Top - 12% <br> Fast Augment System -> Double Click to LS for augment <br> <br> Events <br> Team vs Team <br> Capture the flag <br> Deathmatch <br> Tournament 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, 9v9 every 6 hour's <br> Unique GM events <br> <br> Party Zone <br> Opens every 4 hour's with 1 hour duration <br> At least 3 member's in party <br> 1 window per pc <br> <br> PVP Zone <br> PVP Zone map changes every hour <br> Top PVP Killer each hour get awarded <br> <br> Olympiad <br> Hero period: 1 Week <br> Hero every 7 Days at 00:30AM <br> At least 3 players to begin playing <br> Skill reuse after match <br> Items - S Grade ( NO CUSTOMS ) <br> Max Enchant is + 6 <br> If you have more than +6 it will automatic be counted as +6 in your status <br> Olympiad Starts 18:00 GMT +2 <br> Olympiad Ends 00:00 GMT +2 <br> <br> VIP System <br> Vip Chat System(public chat, via ^ ) <br> 16 Available skins <br> More Drops to Farm mobs, Party zone, Raid bosses <br> Unique Name/Title Color. <br> Premium System <br> All VIP Features, Plus the following Extra:<br> x2 Vote Reward<br> x2 PVP Reward<br> +5% chance to enchant scrolls<br> <br> Raid Bosses <br> Most Damage Dealt <br> Drops will be kept to the ground for 30 seconds <br> Special Boss 4h <br> Grand Bosses 3h <br> Normal Bosses 1h <br> <br> Voiced Commands <br> .menu <br> .toppvp/.toppk/.topclan/.toponline/.topraid <br> .repair <br> .raidinfo <br> .castlemanager <br> .exit ( Only for PVP Zone ) <br> .deposit/.withdraw <br> .tvtjoin/ .tvtleave/ .tvtinfo <br> .ctfjoin/ .ctfleave/ .ctfinfo <br> .dmjoin/ .dmleave/ .dminfo <br> <br>
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