L2Doll x60

General Informations

15/03/2021 10:33
Server Type:

Server Features

XP Rate: 60
SP Rate: 60
Adena Rate: 15
Drop Rate: 25
Max Enchant: 21
Safe Enchant: 3
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Full PTS
  1. Description
  2. Server Event
  3. Reviews
  4. Promo Video
Chronicles: Lineage 2 Interlude Server Rates: Exp: x60 Sp: x60 Adena: x15 Items: x25 Spoil: x20 Quests Drop: x20 Rate in some quests: x2-x6 ENCHANT Weapons / Armor / Jewelry: Safe +3 Max +21/+20/+20 Rates: Normal 65% Bless 70%, from +15 Normal 55% Bless 65% Server Commands: .menu: All options will be thear. .vote Professions: Getting from the first to the third class does not require quests. 1st profession for free and gift 5.000.000 adena. 2st profession for free and gift 10.000.000 adena. 3st profession cost 50.000.000 adena and free gift Book of Giants. Augmentation: NGS : 5% Mid : 10% High: 15% Top: 20% Other: According to the concept of a Olympiad NCSoft. Automatic learning skills. Subclass without quest. No Donate things affect the game balance. Bonuses for voting on TOP sites. / unstuck 15 seconds. The catacombs are open 24 \ 7 According to the concept of a castle siege NCSoft. The maximum number of windows from one PC is 4 Buffs / Buffer Number of slots: 40 Number of debuff slots: 6 Cost buffs: 1000 adena The duration of the buff: 2 hrs All buffs, dances, songs and buffs for pets Full recovery: MP, CP and HP RAID/GRAND BOSSES Retail like. Rate Raid Drop Items = x4 Seven Signs: Catacomb and Necropolis always open. GM Shop All items you need is there One shop all items D-C-B grade for Adena A-S for Donation Coins Finery / Misc / Recipes / Quest and much more. Offline Shops Just exit your client when you have shop. Offline Max Days: 7 Offline Place: Only in Peace Zone Custom Vip / Hero for: 3, 10, 30 Days Vip Benefits Exp: x120 Sp: x120 Adena: x30 Items: x40 Spoil: x40 Quests: x10 Raid Drop Items: x2 Rate in some quests: x2-x6 Free Buffs and more in Vip Manager And many more that can discover in our server…
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