L2 Heavy

General Informations

08/04/2019 21:42
Server Type:

Server Features

XP Rate: 75
SP Rate: 75
Adena Rate: 100
Drop Rate: 2
Max Enchant: 15
Safe Enchant: 4
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Full PTS
  1. Description
  2. Server Event
  3. Reviews
  4. Promo Video

Experience x75
Skill points x75.
Adena x100.
Seal stones x5.
Spoil x3.
Quest x5.


Safe +4.
Max. Armor +12.
Max. Weapon +16 ( +17 Especial Glow Normal Chance 30%)
Normal rate 50%.
Blessed rate 60%.
Crystal rate 100%.


Skill chance: 15/30/45/60.
Glow chance: 0/40/70/100.
Deleted skill when changing weapons.
Skills retail. (not edited)
No Drop Augment Item
Trade Augment item


Server time (utc -3).
Catacombs and necropolis open 24h
Auto loot. (not for boss)
Auto learn skills.
1st, 2nd, 3rd job free.
Subclass item buy in npc. (no quest)
Nobless quest. ( Hellfire Oil and Lunargent in NPC)
Max. slots 24 + 4. (divine inspiration in npc)
Self-skills not count slots.
Buff time 2 hours.
Clan level 8, skills and reputation buy in NPC. (Event Coin )
Advanced cancel - Delay Skill for 5 Minutes
Limited access - 3 sessions per PC.
Offline shop - Open store and exit game.
Wedding system - Npc located in Giran Temple.
Champion system - Drop adena x5 and high-grade lifestone.
Achievement system - Complete the achievements and earn rewards.
Color system Buy in NPC . (Event Coin )
Auto restart - 05:00 hours. (utc -3)

Server Economy

Equipments up to A-Grade on sale by adenas in GM SHOP
A-Grade and S-Grade Retail apply SA
Equipments S-Grade on drop sealed part by farm.
Spoil S-Grade Materials Craft and Buy in NPC


Bonus ( Blue > Red > Gold ) Stones
Armors Full Set: Blue = +15%P.def / Red = +20% P.def / Gold = +25% P.def
Jeweller Full Set: Blue = +20%M.def / Red = +30% M.def / Gold = +40% M.def
Dyes: Especial +5 -2
Tattoos Retail Level 1 to Level 4
Level 1 = 7% / Level 2 = 9% / Level 3 = 12% / Level 4 = 15%
Parry Shield and Dagger Parry
Heavens Divinder One Hand
Dragon Slayer Dual

Anti Zerg-Premium

Limit Party per Clan/Ally. in Zones

Antharas Max 3 Party per Clan
Valakas Max 3 Party per Clan
Frintezza Max 3 Party per Clan
Baium Max 3 Party per Clan
Queen Ant Max 2 Party per Clan
Orfen Max 2 Party per Clan
Core Max 2 Party per Clan
Zaken Max 2 Party per Clan
Party Zone Max 2 Party per Clan

Alliance disabled - only 1 clan.
Clan and alliance penalties - 2 hours.
Clan maximum capacity - 40 members.
Not allowed to use equal flags - the clan leader will be subject to punishment.


Oly period ends - days 1 and 15.
Battle time - 20h ~ 00h.
Battles per base class disabled.
Olympiad Custom mod 3x3 (in Party )
Number of registration to start - 5 players.


Siege period - 2 weeks.
Battle time - 18h ~ 20h.
Max. 10 registered clans.
Max. 10 flags. (one at a time)
Siege with payments on donation tickets.


Team vs Team - automatic system, every 2 hours.
Collect Medal
Pc Bang Points
Custom fishing
Kamaloka Instance: 3 Raid Bosses for custom Drops
Raid Bosses

Flame of Splendor Barakiel - respawn time 4h ~ 8h.
All Raid bosses - respawn time 12h ~ 24h.
All Raid bosses level 75+ have custom drops.

Epic Bosses

Core - respawn time 1 day
Orfen - respawn time 1 day
Queen Ant - respawn time 2 days
Zaken - respawn time 3 days
Frintezza - respawn time 3 days
Baium - respawn time 5 days
Antharas - respawn time 8 days
Valakas - respawn time 8 days
All Epic bosses jewelry drop 100% and Crystal Enchant 100%.
Chaotic Zone
basefun.Net mmorpg servers