L2 AnimA

General Informations

17/04/2017 10:44
Server Type:

Server Features

XP Rate: 3
SP Rate: 3
Adena Rate: 5
Drop Rate: 4
Max Enchant: 16
Safe Enchant: 3
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Full PTS
  1. Description
  2. Server Event
  3. Reviews
  4. Promo Video
Low-rate server engine
• L2 OFF files
• Full C1 scripts, fixed and checked manually
• All retail features
• A lot of fixes of exploits and bugs (demon set, html exploits, Z-distance exploits, etc)
• Full update to Chronicles-2 after first ~6 months of C1 low-rate

Features, which server doesn't have
• No Global GK
• No NPC Buffer
• No GM Shop
• No custom items
• No A/S grade in C1
• No pay-to-win donations
• No changes in original C1 mechanics/scripts (except for exploit and bug fixes)

• EXP/SP: 3x
• Adena: 5x
• Drop: 4x
• Raid drops: 4x
• Spoil rates: 4x

Main aspects:
• Game currency - adena
• Free offline shop (work in progress)
• No limits for from single PC client
• Anti-exploit/anti-cheat protection
• Automatic soulshots (later on)
• 24/7 player support
• 99.9% uptime
• Vote rewards system (work in progress)
• Happy hours system (bigger rates at some random the evening and weekends) (in progress)
• First and Second Profession for quests or vote coins (will be enabled only after Vote reward system)
• No autopicking up drops
• No Custom NPC buffer
• No GM shop
• No automatic events
• Premium account increases rate by 50% (include xp/sp/spoil/drop/adena) (for vote coins)
• Max clan level: 5
• Limit level zone for Ant Queen/Orfen/Core
• Raid Boss curse
• Wolf/hatchling/strider quests
• Global chat
• Buff scrolls (vote coins)
• Clan halls
• Crafting and spoiling system

Enchant system:
• Safety: +3 (+4 for one-piece/duals)
• Max +16
• Buffs time duration:
• Buffs: 20 min
• Songs/Dances: 2 min

Voice command:
• available from .menu
• shows simple statistics
• allows to unstuck (teleport to town 5 min)

Respawn time of Epic Raid Bosses:
• Ant Queen: 36 hours +/-17
• Core: 60 hours: +/-23
• Orfen: 48 hours: +/-20
• Antharas: 264 hours: +/-72

Drop rate from Epic Bosses (with C2 upgrade):
• Ant Queen Ring: 100%
• Core Ring: 100%
• Orfen Earring: 100%
• Antaras Earring: 100%

Respawn time of Raid Bosses (with C2 upgrade):
• 36 hours +/- 24

Things that will never exist:
• Pay to win items
• Donation items

Donation system:
• Nickname change
• Color nickname change
• Color Title change
• Clan name change

Original C1 player's item drop mechanic:
• Each item from inventory or equipped (doesn't matter) one has 1% to be dropped
• Equipped weapon can not be dropped for non-chaotic player
• Chaotic player even with 1 karma gets 5% drop change instead of 1%
• Each 100 karma gives +1% to item drop rate
• After 2500 karma drop chance is always 30% (30% is the maximum drop chance)
• Chaotic player can drop equipped weapon, but its chance is 3 times less, then for other items
• Maximum items to be dropped at single dead (for both chaotic and non-chaotic): 5
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